DIY Summer Project
Here are the delicious Summer DIY projects from my NBC 6 In The Mix segment! Send me your photos of your Summer DIY projects. Get the whole family to join in, let them WERK out their art and be creative!
DIY Painting
You’ll need:
Painters tape
You don’t have to be an artist to create beautiful pieces of art for your home. Just tape the canvas in diagonal lines to create geometric shapes and paint within the lines in the color scheme you wish.
DIY Installation
You’ll need:
Ceiling medallions
Ceiling medallions turn into great installations for wall décor. Just paint each medallion with primer and then the color desired. Try painting the medallions in a harmonious color scheme for the easy installation.
DIY Lamp
You’ll need:
Fun lampshade
Update your old lamp with this easy DIY. First get rid of the old lampshade and paint the lamp with a primer and the color desired. Then find a funky lampshade for the finishing touch.